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10 Exciting, High-Paying Careers in Robotics
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Careers in Robotics are getting hotter every year. Especially with AI on the horizon. Here's what this feild offers you

Robotics work has become more and more popular in recent years, and the available jobs in robotics are far more lucrative than what you might think. 

You might have thought all that time fiddling and fuddling with electrical stuff was a waste. Or maybe others thought so. 

Well now is your chance to prove the haters wrong. These careers in robotics bring in serious cash and put that passion to work. 

1. Robotics Engineer 

The top thing people think of when working in robotics is a robotics engineer. 

This job is about the person doing the design and building of robotics or robotic software. 

2. Robotics Technician

This job entails a lot of similar attributes and qualities as the engineer, but also some of the more day-to-day things. 

The robotics technician focuses on repairs and maintenance and also making the robot better for years to come. 

3. Software Developer

Making a robot is a lot more than electricity and metalwork. There's a whole "brain" to the machine!

The software developer is the person in charge of making sure that the brain is working and doing the job exactly the way it's supposed to. 

4. Sales Engineer

This is more than just selling the robot. Although, that's a HUGE part of it.

But the sales engineer is also responsible for making sure the robot and robotic software are in accordance with the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics

They also do work on the product to make sure it meets customer satisfaction. 

5. Robotics Operator

Sure, robots are supposed to do everything on their own. But sometimes, even robots need a tweak or modification. 

The robotics operator is someone who understands the machine and can make adjustments on call. 

6. Mechanical Engineer

This is a pretty popular flex position. 

Mechanical engineers are good at working with all sorts of robotics machines because they understand software and products all across the board. 

Hence they can go practically anywhere and be flexed into any position. 

7. Computer Aided Design (CAD) 

CAD operators are basically the blueprint creators of robotics.

The CAD Software is an industry standard. People who know how to work it make digitalized sketches of parts that get manufactured so that the robot can be created.

8. Builders

Robots aren't usually built by one person in their garage with a blow torch and some duct tape. 

They take teams. And on those teams are builders that understand the engineering and software components, at least in some fashion, to help assemble the robots properly. 

9. Researchers

As technology evolves, there are often more ways than one to do something with robots. 

As a researcher in robotics, you're finding out what's working and what could be better, while researching what major needs are around the world that robots could help with. 

10. Data Analyst

Robots like most electronics these days harvest data. That data is like the black gold of today's world. 

But someone has to be able to read it and translate it to researchers and engineers. That person is the Data Analyst. 

More High-Paying Careers in Robotics

We hope this quick guide on high-paying careers in robotics has given you a few ideas. For more information on careers in robotics feel free to reach out and contact us

If you'd like more to read, head on over to our blog page where we post tons of content. We're here to give you the best in IT! 


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