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5 Effective Tips for How to Close an Interview
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Ending the interview on a good note makes a big difference when you're trying to seal the deal. Check out these 5 tips on how to close an interview.

Are you struggling to find a job? You've probably been to many job interviews and researched every common interview question and the best responses.

But there's one overlooked interview aspect that can affect your chance of getting hired: the close.

The way you close an interview can make or break your interview performance.

If you want to know how to close an interview, here are 5 tips. Hope you have an awesome job interview!

1. Confirm Your Interest

What's the best way to close a job interview? Letting the hiring manager know how much you want this job.

At some point in the interview, it's a good idea to express how badly you want this job. If you haven't had the opportunity before, the interview close is a perfect time to express how badly you want this position.

2. Ask If You Got the Job

Are you a bolder person? Flat out ask if you got the job. If you know there are other candidates, ask where you stand. You can open the close up to a follow-through or reinstating your contact information.

If this is your dream job, being a little bold is recommended. Shake the HR rep's hand and explain how this is your dream job or dream position. Then, ask for the job.

The worst they can say is no or give a bland answer such as "we'll stay in contact."

3. List Your Qualifications

One job interview and a resume can only say so much. If you weren't able to detail your qualifications, do so in the close. Explain your skills and why the position fits you so well.

You can say something bold like you're the perfect candidate because of your experience. Or you can wedge your qualifications in your conclusion, such as "I hope to use my past experience and knowledge in [insert skill] for this company."

4. Prepare Questions or a Statement

Most managers will give you the opportunity to ask your own questions. This is the perfect conclusion to a job interview.

But in case there's no time for your own questions, prepare an ending statement. Add any necessary details, such as your passion for the job or your interest in the company.

5. Send a Follow-Up Email

Are you reading this after your interview, and think your close was lame? It's not too late to send a second close.

follow-up email is perfect for a rushed interview or those who are on the shy side.

Thank the manager for their time, state your interest in the position, reinstate your phone number, and mention anything about the interview you appreciated.

Now You Know How to Close an Interview

The close of a job interview opens up more opportunities for employment. But you need to know how to close an interview. Keep your close simple but direct.

The hiring process can be daunting for an employer, so it's always good to send a brief follow-up email.

Are you looking for a job in the IT profession? Search for open positions.


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