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5 Tips on How to Follow Up on a Job Interview
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You went on a job interview and you felt that you did great. What's next? Following up after an interview shows that you're a self-starter and you care about getting hired. Read these tips on how to follow up on a job interview.

"This has been the best interview ever. You're prepared, charming, and I love your shirt. When can you start?"

That's what every applicant would like to hear at the end of an in-person job interview, but very few of them will. Instead, they're thanked for their time and ushered out of the office into the bright sunlight, left to wonder what's next.

Figuring out how to follow up on a job interview can feel more stressful than answering a question like "What's your biggest weakness?" But it's an essential part of the process, and we can help you figure out how to follow up after an interview without seeming desperate.

Read on for 5 tips on pulling off the interview follow up.

Send a Thank You Note

Sending a thank you note via email is essential. If possible, get that email out within 24 hours, but give yourself a few hours to think about how things went first.

An interview note should feel personalized like you've thought about how things went and are ready to move to the next step. In this case, the next step is getting hired.

If you send an email too quickly, the person who interviewed you might wonder if you truly had time to process the conversation. When to follow up after an interview can be just as critical as how you follow up.

Mention a Specific Moment

The thank-you-note should mention something specific you talked about during your interview since that shows you were paying attention.

The topic can be something that you found particularly engaging. If you showed a lot of enthusiasm at that moment, the interviewer will likely remember it as well.

But be brief. You're sending a thank you note, not writing a book report.

Give Them Breathing Room

Don't expect an immediate reply to your thank you email. Instead, give them some space.

Go search for other jobs while you wait. That helps you feel productive rather than helpless.

Try not to agonize. Agony is rarely a productive emotion.

Mind the Timeline

You did ask about the timeline for the next steps, right? You should do that at the end of every interview. It's one of the best questions you can ask.

It shows you're pro-active, but more importantly, it gives you an idea of when you might need to send an additional interview follow up.

If they tell you it'll be two weeks and it's been three, feel free to dash off a quick note checking in. Emphasis on quick.

Don't Be Too Needy

There's no need to send them an email every day asking, "Have you hired anyone yet? What about now?"

That's not a good look for anyone. It seems desperate.

You want to seem interested, not needy.

At some point, if you haven't heard anything, it's possible they've ghosted you and won't even be sending a formal rejection.

That's not a good feeling, but it says more about them than you.

More on How to Follow Up On a Job Interview

Learning how to follow up on a job interview isn't instinctive for most people. It's something you have to learn.

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