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All the Web Reasons Why You Should Choose Angularjs Developer as Your Career
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AngularJS is modern JavaScript used to build interactive applications. Get an angularjs introduction and all the reasons to become an AngularJS Developer.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we knew the language of our Gmail or Netflix accounts? Or to be able to code more, but with less effort?

Keep reading for an AngularJS introduction, and find out why this coding language might just be the career for you.

An AngularJS Introduction

What is AngularJS and why is it awesome?

AngularJS is a framework good for designing both desktop and mobile-friendly websites. It comes with a wide variety of features to help keep our programming streamlined and simple.

AngularJS's user-friendly nature also decreases the amount of code we'll need to type. This can save us a lot of time and reduce our chances for error.

This makes it the perfect language for web developers who already have a background in JavaScript and HTML.

And once we learn AngularJS, our programming process will become easier and more efficient.

Maintained by a Reputable Search Engine

If we're reading this blog, we likely found it via the Google search engine, because it takes up 68.75 percent of the internet

Surprisingly, AngularJS is actually maintained by this exact same search engine.

It also works with iOS and Android, which is great because over half of the searches are made using mobile devices.  

Easier and Harder to Learn 

AngularJS can be both easy and hard to learn; opinions vary from person to person. 

However, becoming familiar with other coding projects can help make this learning process go smoother. 

Flexible Career and More Opportunities

AngularJS makes a fairly flexible career with a variety of opportunities.

There are options in several industries, likely because many companies either have or need an online website. 

We can also use AngularJS to build apps for clients, or build one for ourselves and use it to grow our business.

Or if we want to work at home, there are plenty of freelance opportunities as well. (Discover awesome tech jobs on this page!)

Things To Consider

Becoming an AngularJS developer has its perks, but like all careers, it also has its downsides.

Here's why AngularJS may not be the right coding language for us:

  • A website built with AngularJS can start lagging if over 1,000 people access it at once. This restriction could potentially cause trouble as our platform grows.

Final Thoughts On AngularJS

In 2018, the median pay for web developers was $69,430.

However, in many careers, higher pay comes with more experience and knowledge. So even if we don't use AngularJS full-time, a having an AngularJS introduction would still make a great skill-set to add to our resume.

AngularJS has a lot of perks and is definitely worth looking into. However, if this programming language is not for you, don't worry!

There are plenty of other technological careers! Check out these 3 jobs in cybersecurity.


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