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AWS vs Azure vs Google: Cloud Comparison Guide for 2019
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Are you evaluating the top cloud computing services - AWS vs Azure vs Google? Compare how the cloud leaders deliver and where they lack in our comparison guide

Cloud computing has become a lot more attractive as suppliers add extra features. Businesses keep their storage, applications, and databases in the cloud.

Public cloud providers fall under three basic categories. They provide either infrastructure, software, or a platform as a service.

Experts predict the total market will reach $249 billion in 2020.

But which provider should you choose? There are three main options from Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

Weighing up AWS vs Azure vs Google for your business? Read on to learn more about how they compare.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon offers a huge range of tools and services. It gives businesses more flexibility in how they run their IT departments.

AWS holds the market share at around 33 percent worldwide. It's held that share even as the market tripled. The platform has a global reach and its maturity means its extensive offerings are well-configured.

But it's difficult to navigate the cost structure. It's not clear how and what Amazon charges for. For reference, AWS charges per hour based on usage.

As a public cloud operator, it can be difficult to get it to work with a private data center.

Overlook the cost issues, and its strength as a provider is a definite plus.

Microsoft Azure

Azure offers great capabilities as a hybrid cloud. So it interoperates with data centers in a way AWS won't.

Azure is a great choice for enterprise customers. Especially since it has the support of Microsoft. It also offers great integration with your existing system.

Microsoft turned programs like Office, Sharepoint, and Windows Server into cloud applications.

Finding cloud computing technology jobs is easier if you're trained in this software.

Businesses using these apps in-house find Azure makes more sense as a cloud provider. You can often get discounts if you already have a Microsoft enterprise account.

On the downside, the management tools are less efficient. Their on-demand pricing model charges per minute.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud doesn't yet have the kind of enterprise focus that attracts businesses. It also doesn't offer a range of features you find with Azure and AWS.

Still, Google has plenty of funding and technical knowhow to make them a good choice. They also provide industry-leading tools for artificial intelligence and data analytics.

Businesses who compete with Amazon often choose Google Cloud over AWS.

Google is a great choice if you need DevOps expertise. They also offer open-source support. The platform is ideal for cloud-based businesses.

On the downside, they're newer to the market. So they have fewer data centers, and they offer fewer features.

AWS vs Azure vs Google: The Verdict

Still weighing up your AWS vs Azure vs Google options? Start off with a list of the features you need your cloud computing solution to offer.

Then you can map those features against these three providers. Check how much you already use Google, Microsoft, or Amazon applications. That can dictate which solution will best suit your business.

Fascinated by cloud computing? Why not check out our article about becoming a cloud architect?


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