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Choose DevOps: How to Start Your Career as a DevOps Specialist
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DevOps is a growing field, and one that you should really consider looking into. Check out this article to learn what you need to succeed in this field!

Do you want to work in a growing field? Are you an expert in tech? Do you love to problem solve and love to learn new things?

If you answered yes to those three questions, it's time for a career change. If you have those skills you would be an excellent DevOps specialist.

DevOps combine software development skills with information technology knowledge. Nearly any field could benefit from a specialist, and there are a lot of businesses interested in hiring DevOps help.

Are you interested in a DevOps career path? We're going to let you know the basics of what you should know about pursuing a career in DevOps.

What Future Devops Specialists Should Know About The Job

DevOps engineers and specialists can work in a variety of industries and fields. The industry may change, but there are still some fundamentals that won't. 

If you want to know the truth about working in DevOps, remember to keep these things in mind when you're thinking about your next steps.

There Is No One Program Or Certification 

A lot of jobs have very straight forward paths for reaching them. You get a degree that says you're an expert, or there's a widely known certificate you can get that will let you know you're a great match to employers.

DevOps isn't going to be as cut and dry as that. If you aren't into doing things the traditional way, this can be a big advantage for you.

There are a lot of certifications you can earn and courses you can take that can prepare you for a career in DevOps. You can become a specialist in any realm of DevOps and pursue whatever interests you the most.

You'll Need to Constantly Learn New Skills

DevOps is a field that's constantly evolving. What used to be an accepted standard practice can easily become old and outdated. 

If you want to excel in this field, you need to be prepared to learn new skills. Always be on the lookout for something new and never be afraid to try something different.

A great way to stay on top of changes in the field is to find communities where you can learn. Github us a great place to learn code, and also a hub for other devops professionals you can learn from.

Automation Will Play a Big Part In Your Future

A lot of the manual tasks systems admins and engineers used to perform are already being automated with languages like Python, Ruby, and Node.js. 

A successful DevOps specialist must be able to implement automation technologies and tools at a variety of levels. You should become intimately familiar with everything from requirements and development to testing and operations. 

Testing and automation go hand in hand, so it would also be a good idea to brush up on your testing skills. Mastering both will make your job a lot easier.

Security Training Will Take Your Far

DevOps specialists are trained to streamline development and deploy code fast. This is great for businesses, but can also be good for hackers if you aren't careful.

The sped up development cycle could make it easier for vulnerabilities to show up in code. You'll need to write secure code that can protect applications from attacks.

Speed is an important part of working in DevOps, but you need to build secure software from the start instead of going through and making patches and updates later.

Consider taking a course in software security training so you can make sure you're building secure code from the beginning of the development process. 

Start Your New Career Today

Now that you know what it takes to become a DevOps specialist, you're eager to start learning and get your first job.

Even if you have the right knowledge, you'll need to be able to impress employers and get an interview.

Do you want to make sure you hear about next steps from your next interview? Check out our tips on how to close an interview so you can be well on your way to starting your new DevOps career,


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