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6 Tricks to tell your weaknesses in an job interview
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The lack of skilled IT workers is hurting the deployment of emerging technology, according to a new survey from Gartner. In areas from cloud to cybersecurity, this crisis is expected to last for years to come.

1. Analyze That and analyzes the position applied
The best way to tell something sincerely is knowing what we mean. Although it may seem irrelevant, not everyone is aware of our real weaknesses. To do this, the best thing to do is before the interview to keep in mind what they really are your weaknesses and what qualities are needed for the job. Those that match, try to avoid them at first.

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2. Do not count your greatest weakness but secondary thinks that everything you say in a job interview is going to be definitive during the time you’re in that company. It has weaknesses that can really get under control, those not go into panic if you look closely. Of course, your greatest weakness try to solve it asap, but needless to share from the outset. However, it is advisable that once the entries, so you can help and advise. To all are your coworkers and are there for whatever you need!

3. The past is always a reference: how you overcome your weaknesses mentioned above Do you remember that time when it cost you to make presentations at work and now are the first to offer volunteer? Or when you did not dare to speak English in front of your classmates but you got it thanks to a course you did? All your merits are to be valued, and even more if you turned tried to weaknesses into strengths. This way you can prove that nothing is an obstacle in your professional career and you can always improve yourself.

4. Be sincere but only in line with the work There are times when we are nervous we start talking and do not stop. We can tell our whole life to the head because it has caught us in the elevator and he just wanted to know what that was all! The same applies in interviews. Therefore, we recommend you count only your weaknesses relevant to the job, and none related to your personal life.

5. Avoid trying to look good: it is a double-edged sword “I’m too precise and that can be obsessive” or “Sometimes I get involved too much in my work and do not stop until we get it” are not defects and interviews are sick of listening. Do not try to make something that is good as a defect provided to impress, because the opposite effect is obtained.

6. Put a solution to your weakness and come out ahead Whenever you tell a defect, try adding a solution you’re looking for. For example, if you recognize that you are a little disordering can add that you will always accompanied by an agenda or if you admit you wear nervous make a speech in public, that’s why I added you usually remember very well the presentations. In this way you show that you are trying to fix it and it really is not an obstacle in your work.


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