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New Digital Age Employment Options
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The lack of skilled IT workers is hurting the deployment of emerging technology, according to a new survey from Gartner. In areas from cloud to cybersecurity, this crisis is expected to last for years to come.

Long gone are the days when people were determined to forge careers in more traditional industries, with children especially now, aiming to net their dream jobs in the very latest digital industries such as YouTube and live streaming.

While it seems YouTubers, streamers, bloggers and game developers have been around a while, this is very much still the dawning of a new era, and a great time to get involved.

YouTube is one of the biggest websites on the planet, with videos covering all types of topics. While most of us used to visit the site to watch music videos, YouTube has now become a hub where careers have been created and established.

Users, especially younger ones, have managed to develop huge followings on the platform which has seen their earning potential sky rocket, thanks to ad revenue and sponsorship deals. YouTube has expanded into the live streaming sector too, with gamers quickly getting involved in the action.

The live streaming of video games has become a huge phenomenon, especially over the last few years. While streaming has been going on for well over a decade on sites such as Justin dot TV, which is now Twitch, the largest gaming streaming platform in the world; the practice has grown rapidly recently.

Money to be made

Broadcasters earn a living through tiered viewer subscriptions, donations and sponsorship deals, with some of the world's leading video game streamers such as Ninja earning millions a year.

While most streamers aren't millionaires, there is still money to be made, with broadcasters now being recognised as celebrities too. There is a huge incentive for younger audiences to follow in the footsteps of some of the more famous streamers.

Gaming is something that is featuring in the every day lives of consumers more and more as time goes on. For most, it's still the go to form of entertainment, whether you are playing on console, mobile or PC. However, it's also a very interesting industry to work in, not just as a live streamer.

Games have to be developed in the first place, and with more and more mobile games being created, it's opened up enormous potential for talented individuals to step into the booming industry of game development. This trend has been borne out by the fact that more and more gaming brands are developing their very own games in-house.

Therefore, the current digital age is perfect for employment opportunities, especially for the younger generation who are now aspiring to be a part of it, rather than seeking work in more traditional industries such as retail. Furthermore, it is worth noting that employment isn't limited to the younger generation either, but people of all ages have the potential of embracing the digital age and enjoy being part of it.


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