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Top Tech Skills in Demand
Jonathan Greig, Techrepublic 421 Times 278 People

The lack of skilled IT workers is hurting the deployment of emerging technology, according to a new survey from Gartner. In areas from cloud to cybersecurity, this crisis is expected to last for years to come.

Workers in the tech sector are constantly trying to keep up with the times and update their most profitable skills to stay ahead of the game.

RS Components released an in-depth study on what tech skills are most in-demand, finding that software development was the most sought-after skill.

"The technology sector has added 59,000 jobs in 2019 so far, and alongside the high number of job vacancies available, the skills that employees need to have has changed drastically," according to the study."Technology is continually evolving and the skills employees require to do jobs needs to line up to changing technology too."

RS Components found the following rounded out the top five most in-demand tech skills companies were looking for:

  1. Software Development - 'Knowledge of software development principles' was featured 588,504 times in technology job descriptions the past year.
  2. Skills revolving around JavaScript and jQuery came in second, being featured in 407,459 job descriptions.
  3. Java.
  4. SQL databases and programming, and
  5. Web development

"We can also see across four job types which skills are continually coming out as the most popular and are therefore the skills that the technology sector as a whole requires," according to the study.

"For example, we can see that overall 'software development principles', 'SQL databases and programming' and 'JavaScript and jQuery' are the top three skills overall that are included in job descriptions and are therefore the most desired by employers when recruiting for positions in the tech sector."

Most of the other skills listed in the report hovered around 100,000 mentions in job ads this year.

Cybersecurity skills were seen in 116,321 job descriptions, while 180,052 asked for tech support qualifications.

Companies were also on the look out for candidates with system design and implementation skills, as well as customer service experience.

The study lists dozens of other skills that were included in thousands of job ads, illustrating just how much the need for technological skills has expanded.

Anyone with Microsoft office skills or experience in project management and network configuration is also in high demand for many of the companies listed in the report.

In a competitive job market, employees must have the skills that companies are looking for and also latest training if they are to be successful in their job search.


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