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We have exciting news for you! ITJobcafe is now mobile friendly!
ITJobCafe 837 Times 546 People

The lack of skilled IT workers is hurting the deployment of emerging technology, according to a new survey from Gartner. In areas from cloud to cybersecurity, this crisis is expected to last for years to come.

ITJobCafe 3.0 will help you accomplish your objectives effortlessly and effectively wherever you are thus saving precious time. For hiring managers this will result in saving hiring costs as well. 

We are delighted to bring this new version to you with the sole objective of helping you succeed in your careers and reaching your goals; be it a dream job or meeting hiring targets – both are achievable. 

Please check out the new site on your desktop and on your smartphone and provide us your feedback. Let us know what you liked and didn’t like. We value your opinion and will continue to make improvements always! 

Also, share with your friends, colleagues and managers. 

ITJobCafe Team!


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