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Where the Software Engineer Money Is
Ewan Dwane 790 Times 570 People

The lack of skilled IT workers is hurting the deployment of emerging technology, according to a new survey from Gartner. In areas from cloud to cybersecurity, this crisis is expected to last for years to come.

Juniper Networks pays an average annual base salary of $159,990, according to Glassdoor, an employment community website. Juniper has been prospering as demand for high-speed broadband in turn has created demand for networking gear. The company's rival, Cisco Systems, reported earlier this year that global mobile data traffic grew 70% in 2012. 

Cisco ranks 17th on Glassdoor's list, with an average annual engineering salary of $109,491. 

LinkedIn, Yahoo, Google and Twitter round out the top five, with average annual software engineering salaries of $136,437, $130,312, $127,143 and $124,863, respectively. Yahoo's presence in this group suggests that CEO Marissa Mayer is serious about attracting enough talent to restore Yahoo's stature as a leading Internet technology company. 

Apple, Oracle, Walmart, Facebook and Integral rank six through 10, with average annual salaries for engineers of $124,630, $122,905, $122,110, $121,507 and $117,927, respectively. The lowest-paying company on the top 25 list was Qualcomm, at $101,094 a year. 

Glassdoor's list isn't necessarily complete: To be listed, at least 50 software engineers must have submitted salary information. And because the data is self-reported without independent verification, accuracy isn't assured. 

One major software company that did not make the top 25 is Adobe, listed by Glassdoor as having an average software engineering salary of $97,585, which comes in just above Citrix Systems ($96,649), Texas Instruments ($95,815) and IBM ($93,716). 

Adobe, along with Apple, Google, Intel, Intuit and Pixar, settled a 2010 Justice Department complaint about the company's hiring practices by promising to discontinue an agreement not to poach each other's employees. But a civil complaint against the companies, filed last year and still being adjudicated, alleges that these non-poaching agreements represented an effort to suppress wages -- which are clearly a significant cost for tech companies. 


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